Why are health safety and security important in the workplace?


Whether we are working in an office under a roof or at an open construction grounds, Safety and Security are crucial and priority of any organization even if employees are working over the top of the building or at depths of surfaces of the earth it doesn't change the idea of how important is the safety. Either someone is flying in the space at spaceship or if they are exploring the edges of the seas, it becomes unstable and hard for workers to give their best if security is not ensured. However, some volunteer activities risk their lives to make and break records still at some point Health and security are concerned equally.

As if the world belongs to living people and beating hearts. Therefore, Importance of Health safety and security plays a major and utmost role in the workplace.

HEALTH SAFETY involves the personal and internal protection in workplaces that could cause injury, accidents or diseases inside of the offices or work sites.

Whereas SECURITY refers to the external protection of workers from attacks, terrorism and illegal activities outside the working area.

Ignorance in any of them can cause various losses. If Safety and Security are at any risks the whole firm can go down quickly.

·         Life or physical Loss :

Any negligence of health safety can cost any physical injury or even a life loss. Millions of people lost their lives every year at workplaces, thousands of which are related to construction sites and fishing areas. Half of are related to agricultural accidents.

·         Financial Loss:

An accident or misshapen not only costs the individual but the organization as well, directly or indirectly all of them will have to pay the price of the hazard.

·         Legal loss:

Entity can submit the legal statements against the cause which can lead to great legal loss hence affect the reputation and thus turnover of the business. So, to prevent such troubles safety should be properly taken care of.

·         Moral Loss:

Eventually, nobody will take an initiative to start up with insecure and indiscipline surroundings.


1.  Guidelines to be followed by every individual

2.  Rules and Regulations that workers must stick to

3.  Time-lines of working to ensure Safety and Security of Women

4.  Strong firewalls and encryption should be installed to control and stop digital threats.

5.  Excellent and practical pieces of training sessions to remain alert and physically active.

6.  Regular maintenance to repair the gadgets and appliances of the workplace.

Moreover, the enterprise must-have a tidy environment to provide a safe, clean and comfortable place that could protect several injuries to a great extent. Also, people need to take responsibility for their surroundings as if it is their home.


1.  Safety and Security affect both Organization and employee. Nobody likes to work in an unsafe place.

2.  Workers seek places full of positivity, security, safety. Thus, the organization will eventually attract optimal services.

3.  More reliable and shielded foundations are a magnet to growth.

4.  Security makes it possible for workers to give improved and best outcomes.

Emotional and Mental health issues must be taken special attention to.

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