Be extremely alert around forklifts. Some drivers are rushed. It is easy to get killed by a forklift.
Wear safety glasses when pounding
nails with a hammer or air gun. This is important. I found out the hard way
when a small spec of zinc coating from a nail landed on my eye while I was
building my house. I went to an emergency room where a doctor removed the
debris. Ever since then I’ve worn safety glasses.
Wear safety glasses when
using a saw of any kind.
Think about getting an
ergonomic computer keyboard (where the sets of keys are tilted). I love this
type because it reduces or eliminates wrist pain.
Take a quick course in
sexual harassment and follow the guidelines to the letter. Create a workplace
where others feel secure.
The parking lot should be well lit. Make sure employees are safe while going to their cars. It’s essential that employees are watched while going to their cars in darkness.